If you have been injured in an elevator accident, you may be eligible to recover compensation by filing a personal injury claim. To learn more about taking legal action after an elevator accident, continue reading. For assistance with your upcoming claim, do not hesitate to contact our experienced Tampa personal injury lawyer. Our legal team will walk you through the steps of the process ahead. We want you to recover the compensation you require to heal and move forward with your life. To learn more about filing a successful claim, read on and reach out to our firm.
The most common causes of elevator accidents include the following:
Severe injuries can be sustained in elevator accidents including the following:
In order to set yourself up for a successful personal injury claim, you must have a plan. Consider taking the following steps after your elevator accident while you are still at the scene of the accident:
The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Florida is generally four years. This means that you will have four years from the date of your elevator accident to bring attention to your personal injury claim. It is best to file your claim as soon as possible to avoid being permanently time-barred from suing. Contact our firm today to learn more about our services. Our legal team is prepared to take on your claim when you are ready.
For a skilled Tampa personal injury lawyer you can trust, contact The Frank Santini Law Firm today for a free initial consultation.
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