What to Do Following an Apartment Accident in Florida

What to Do Following an Apartment Accident in Florida

If you have been injured in an apartment accident that you believe was caused by the negligence of your landlord, it is important that you retain the services of an experienced personal injury attorney who can assist you in filing a personal injury claim to recover the compensation you require to heal. Continue reading to learn more about the steps you should take following an apartment accident in Florida. Give our firm a call with any further questions.

What are the most common causes of apartment accidents?

The most common causes of apartment accidents are typically forms of landlord negligence. The following are the most common causes of apartment accidents in Florida:

  • Unsafe apartment sidewalks
  • Failure to install smoke alarms
  • Failure to install carbon monoxide detectors
  • Failure to ensure stairways are safe
  • Failure to remove weather-related hazards
  • Poorly lit parking lots

What should I do after an apartment accident?

If you have been injured in an apartment accident, it is important that you take the following steps while you are still on the scene of your accident:

  1. Call the police. They will bring medical attention to the scene and conduct a police report.
  2. Seek medical assistance immediately.
  3. Collect all medical documentation relating to your treatment. These documents should state the date, time, and severity of your injuries.
  4. Contact your landlord to notify them of the accident.
  5. Take photos of the hazards that led to your accident.
  6. Photograph your injuries and the scene of your accident.
  7. Collect any witnesses’ contact information. This should include their name, email address, and phone number.
  8. Retain the services of an experienced personal injury attorney who will work to satisfy the burden of proof to recover the compensation you deserve to move forward with your life. An attorney can also assist you to recover further evidence to support your claim such as surveillance footage of the accident as it happened.

What is the statute of limitations for apartment accident claims in Florida?

The statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Florida is generally four years. This means that you will have four years from the date of your apartment accident to take legal action against your negligent landlord. Failure to file your claim within four years could risk you being permanently time-barred from suing. It is important to take legal action as soon as possible to avoid this. To begin this process today, give our experienced personal injury attorney a call to discuss your situation and how we can assist you in recovering the compensation you require to heal.

Contact Our Firm

For a skilled Tampa personal injury lawyer you can trust, contact The Frank Santini Law Firm today for a free initial consultation.

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